From MOP Squad Sports

New York Giants
Coughlin Hopes New Training Regimen Pays Off
By CHRIS KERRIGAN, MOP Squad Sports Staff Writer
Aug 22, 2004 - 11:58:00 AM

In past seasons, the New York Giants have always seemed to struggle through one thing: injuries. Throughout the years, injuries have plagued and haunted the New York Giants. It all seems to come down to in-game performance.

Giants' head coach Tom Coughlin hopes changes in training camp will help keep the team injury-free this season

This year, new head coach Tom Coughlin has responded to this jinx by changing the training regimen. He hopes this new training style will lower the injuries to key players this season.

Last season, the New York Giants defense was plagued with injuries from the defensive line to the free safeties, and may have been a key to their 4-12 record. This year, head coach Tom Coughlin has changed the training process in which he hopes will in time, lower the injuries to players. The original training procedure was 2-3 hours of scrimmage and tackle practice. Afterwards the players would take a break, usually consisting of 2-4 hours. The players would then return to the field for another three hours of scrimmage and "situation" practice.

When Coughlin took over as head coach, the first thing that he looked at was the injuries and the training procedures. Coughlin then changed the process to include an additional hour of stretching and running practice along with a mental "meditation" so to speak. "I think that with the new procedure and mental practice, the players are more prepared to take hits and falls" said Coughlin.

Coughlin also added an additional 10 mandatory stretch hours a week for all players, in hopes of making the players more agile and ready to take falls.

Although this training procedure is more grueling than what Fassell originally had, most of the players are developing well under it and have recognized it very well.

One example would be Ron Dayne. In the off-season, Dayne lost 35 pounds and "bulked-up".

"I am in the best shape of my life" said Dayne.

And with the loss of weight and new training style, Coughlin has given Dayne one more chance to prove himself. With his performance against the Chiefs, it appears that it may have worked. Although it is still too early to say, many of the players seem to be in the best shape of their lives.

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