From MOP Squad Sports

NWA Recaps
TNA iMPACT Results - 1/18/07
By Will Hengelbrock
Jan 22, 2007 - 10:57:28 AM

iMPACT opens with Steve Borden, without the Sting face paint, attacking James Mitchell in the back.

NWA World Tag Team Championship
Latin American Xchange (C) vs. Team 3D
As the match wound down Moody Jack came to the ring and gave Hernandez the slapjack. Hernandez then clocked Brother Ray for the pinfall and the victory.
Winners: LAX

Christian Cage comes to the ring with a mic. He says that Kurt Angle is the biggest a$$hole he's ever met. Kurt Angle comes to the ring and tells him to watch it. He tells Cage that he wants him to take the belt to bed with him, shine it up, and take care of it, because it's going to Angle at the next ppv. Angle then spit in his face. Christian says he needs to get in Angle's head, so he's acquired a consultant who is just like Kurt, wrestles just like Kurt, and can't stand Kurt. Angle asks if it Goldberg or Brock Lesnar. The fans start chanting RVD. Angle says it doesn't matter because he's already pressed his buttons, and Angle attacks Cage. He tries to throw on the Ankle Lock, but Cage escapes.

Steve Borden has James Mitchell by Abyss' former jail. Sting is beating on Mitchell telling him to tell him Abyss' secret. Mitchell says Abyss is a piece of garbage and he only uses him as his meal ticket. Sting handcuffs Mitchell to a fence and tells him he will find out what the secret is tonight from Abyss.

Lance Hoyt vs. James Storm w/ Miss Tennessee
During the ring Dale Torborg and AJ Pyrzinsky come out of the crowd and circle the ring. AJ clocks Hoyt with a chair while the referee was distracted, allowing James Storm to hit the Superkick for the pinfall a nd the victory. After the match Gail Kim ran down and attacked Miss Tennessee. Storm Catatonic'd Kim. Petey Williams then ran in and attacked Miss Tennessee and tried to put a Destroyer on Storm but he wiggled free .
Winner: James Storm

Kurt Angle vs. A.J. Styles
During the match Tomko comes to ringside. Angle takes the match with the Angle Slam.
Winner: Kurt Angle.

After the match Christian ran out and beat on Angle with Tomko. Rhino then hit the ring and took out Styles. Samoa Joe then hit the ring with a chair and Cage and Tomko speed off. Cage then says he told Angle earlier he'd give him a clue as to who the consultant was earlier, he asks if he has a clue now?

Steve Borden comes out and calls out Abyss, and asks him why he was in prison. He gives Abyss a mic and he won't do it. Abyss starts to back off and Sting is giving him a few pokes with the baseball bat. Abyss is backed into a corner and he is visibly fearful. Sting says that he will just go find the facts himself then, and leaves. Abyss is left in the ring on his knees screaming "Noooo."

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